We have seen this more than once before. The latest is Barbra “What Kind of Tree Would you be” Walters, who never found a famous person wi...
Expressio Unius: Chris Matthews and Racial Awareness
That’s a bit of law latin, short for expressio unius est exclusio alterius . It translates to “the expression of one is the exclusion of al...
Yes, Someone Actually Has a Problem With Mother Teresa
With a big hat tip to Hot Air , I learn that our post office is planning to put Mother Theresa on our stamps, and someone actually has a pro...
On the Yoo/Bybee Jihad
We are just learning today that the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility has basically chosen to clear, in a limi...
Two Stories that Dovetail Together
Miranda Devine at The Sydney Herald says what I long suspected. The terrorists need to get laid: Frustration fuels acts of hatred The 23-y...
The Steaming Hypocrisy of the Criminal Approach to War Laid Bare
This morning Robert Gibbs, President Obama’s spokesmodel,* appeared on Cnn’s State of the Union. This is what the New York Daily News repor...
On the Birther Movement
Okay, so there are still people going around, saying that Obama’s status as a natural born citizen is in doubt. As you might remember you ...
How’s this for a Pornoriffic Headline?
Davos Virgin Margaret Brennan Unbuttons the Titans of Finance And here is the picture: The article itself is boring economic stuff, but wow,...
On Ricci v. DeSteffano (a.k.a. the New Haven Firefighters case)
Yeah, yeah, I know this issue is like so 2009. I mean it came out last April for frick’s sake. But I felt I had something to contribute an...
Burying the Bullshit Meter’s Needle (or “Fisking Barbara Streisand on Citizens United”)
Or maybe I could call this, “Shooting Fish in a Barrel.” That’s right folks, Barbara Streisand has written at the Huffington Post. Admitt...
“Simply Not True” (Or “Fisking the State of the Union”)
“Simply not true” is supposedly what Justice Samuel Alito mouthed when Barrack Obama’s State of the Union speech turned to the Citizens Unit...