Yeah, several posts ago I wondered if it was necessary to fisk Olbermann, but I am compelled to, here. But first let me tell you a story. ...

Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
Yeah, several posts ago I wondered if it was necessary to fisk Olbermann, but I am compelled to, here. But first let me tell you a story. ...
Often it is claimed that the Islamic veil, meaning the kind that actually covers most of the face of the woman, is actually a commitment by ...
So a man in Canada kills his parents, with an axe, and is rewarded for it by inheriting their money. You see, there is a statute that says...
Man, how is it that no one in the White House knew this was wrong? With victory at hand, Lincoln could have sought revenge. He could have fo...
Yes, really, he did and not just by killing redcoats. This was a nice op-ed from President’s Day.
With pretty much all of this fisking of an ugly personal account.
Why exactly should the law allow this , but not Hillary: The Movie?
Earlier , I shared my view on man-caused global warming (often called AGW). Here’s just some of the evidence I see piling up every day tha...
Okay let’s start by talking truth. Hooters is barely removed from a strip club. I say that with no malice whatsoever to its customers or...
You know, I like Bill Nye normally. I mean I had enjoyed his odd sense of humor since all the way back in his days on Almost Live. He wa...
Well, regardless, the Daily Caller has done an admirable job doing it. For my money, the second clip, when he attacks these kids for joking...
How to Date a Lawyer , supposedly, and how is this thing stupid? Well, not the least because it is also sexist, clearly written for women....
Some Palestinian protesters have dressed up as Navi from Avatar . Mmm, yeah, remember that scene in Avatar, when the Navi raped a woman an...
Right now in California they are carrying out a trial to determine whether Proposition 8, which changed the Constitution of California to ba...
“ There are kids who are obese in this state who are going to school hungry.” -- Governor Ritter of Colorado
There is an interesting, little known fact about Mexican law. The AFP explains that: Under Mexican law, permission is required for the us...