So a pastor down in Florida wanted to have a bonfire of Korans and this is protected speech under the first amendment. But Ibrahim Hooper s...
WTF?! Middle School Designates That Certain Class Officer Positions are Only Available to Members of... One Race [Update: The School Responds!]
There is so much wrong with this, I don’t know where to begin. So at Nettleton Middle School, in Nettleton, Mississippi, they say that if y...
Slipping a Little Politics into Miss Universe’s Presentation
You know, I haven’t watched a beauty pageant in years but with all this stuff going on in them, I might have to change my mind. IBD explai...
Like Thinking you are Squeezing Lemons: A Different Take on the Attack on Ahmed Sharif.
Ahmed H. Sharif was the New York City cab driver who was attacked by Michael Enright and Mr. Sharif gives us a much longer account to the N...
GZM Supporter Curses Out Holocaust Survivor, Accuses him of Wanting a Holocaust of Muslims
I wonder if Juan Cole will blame his side for this anti-Semitic asshole? The really ugly crap was at around 2 minutes in. And I liked the c...
On Collective Blame and “Root Causes” and Juan Cole
So, Mr. Cole, help me out here. So on September 11, nineteen Muslims murdered around 3,000 Americans. You know, like this guy: But, Mr. Col...
“What the citizens of the U.S. fail to understand is that the battle against the 9/11 terrorists is not their battle. It is a Muslim battle.”
That is a quote in a very interesting editorial by Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rashed, Al-Arabiya TV’s director-general. Translated from the indispen...
Sen. Max Baucus: I Wrote the Health Care Law, But I Didn’t Actually Read it
Today’s beat-your-head-on-the-nearest-wall moment comes from Max Baucus (Democrat-Mont.-Derelict-in-his-Duty). Apparently he wants us to be...
Objecton, Relevance: Stupidity Regarding Fox News and Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal
You know, given how often liberals denounce corporations, you think they would understand some basic truths about corporate law and governan...
Another Intolerant Anti-Muslim Bigot Writes About the GZM
Let me quote him at length: Let us remember that the project organizers themselves created this controversy by announcing that the groundbre...
About that Moderate Ground Zero Imam...
Can I be prescient or what? Yesterday I wrote : But bluntly you have to wonder. There is a long tradition of Imams who say “peace” in En...
It Would be Cheap and Unfair...
…if I took this one anti-Semitic thing said by this one speaker in favor of the GZM and tarred all supporters with it. I mean seriously, ...
Stupidest Line in a Story Today
From a story informing us that Tiger Woods is getting a divorce: The split comes as little surprise to those closest to the 34-year-old Woo...
Fisking the GZM Imam
You know, I will tell you the truth. The shocking clips… maybe I have been around too many liberals, but they are not very shocking. His ...
I Can't Endorse This Yet
But if genuine, this is explosive stuff, and sounds like the stuff hinted at last week. Basically the Ground Zero Imam is a tad more radic...
Going Full Metal Idiot on the GZM
The lamest thing to see recently is for Democrats/liberals making fact-immune defense of the Ground Zero Mosque (GZM). Two recent examples ...