I have only started to read the article by Alberto Guibilini and Francesca Minerva, entitled (risibly) After-Birth Abortion: why should the ...
Christina H. Vents on Anti-Asian American Racism
This Cracked article isn’t very funny, but I think for the most part it is pretty insightful: 4 Things the Jeremy Lin Story Reveals About Mo...
So if Sea World is Slavery, Then Isn’t This Genocide?
On petard hoisted : Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for i...
Friday Frivolity: The Cheap Death Star Edition…
I have disagreed with Kevin Drum a lot over the years, but geekery can bring people together, so we get this from him yesterday : As backgro...
Fisking Erika Christakis; or “How You Are Infringing on my Right to a Pony”
So there is some howling today because over at Time Magazine, Erika Christakis has advocated that if you really feel strongly about opposin...
Just a Reminder: Obama WANTS High Gas Prices (With Video Proof)
So today we see, via ABC news a report on gas prices where during the report itself they saw the station behind them raise prices by ten cen...
The Fundamental Arrogance of Ron Paul’s Isolationism
Normally, I don’t like to pay much attention to Ron Paul. He isn’t going to be the nominee, and his positions on foreign policy are so wild...
Observations on Jeremy Lin and Anti-Asian-American Prejudice (and False Alarms)
So apparently this is the theme of the day, bigotry towards Asian Americans. Indeed, when I was watching last weekend’s Saturday Night Live...
Wringing Good Out of the Evil of Whitney Houston’s Death
Update: Prompted by a comment by JD over at Patterico's, I have to say this is probably the best way to remember her. What a fabulous v...
Once Again, the Obamacare Mandate is a Violation of Freedom of Speech
Update: Obama just announced his "compromise" which is pretty much what was predicted and as usual pretends everyone is playing po...