Update: Linked and quoted by Insty twice. And linked by Patterico . Newcomers might enjoy my multiple posts on the Obamacare arguments ( ...

Friday Frivolity: The Current TV Values Edition (Update: Instalink and Pattericolanche!)
Info Post
Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
Update: Linked and quoted by Insty twice. And linked by Patterico . Newcomers might enjoy my multiple posts on the Obamacare arguments ( ...
Patrick Frey and I are, unsurprisingly, friends, but I do respectfully disagree with a major point in his latest post. We have been talking ...
So this will be shorter because frankly I didn’t find this as interesting as the others. You can read and listen to the argument here . Alm...
So we arrive at the hidden booby trap in all of this, severability. That is the subject of the first of two oral arguments today, which yo...