Really this is an entirely scummy encounter on O’Donnell’s part. Earlier that day (yesterday), Gayle Trotter offered a... well, I don’t thi...

Lawrence O’Donnell Finds a Heckler…Himself!
Info Post
Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
Really this is an entirely scummy encounter on O’Donnell’s part. Earlier that day (yesterday), Gayle Trotter offered a... well, I don’t thi...
Via Jordan Rushie on Twitter we get this stunning video from DHS on how to survive a particular kind of deadly event... Okay, no, that is...
Meet Jerome McCorry. He is a minister and president of two charitable organizations: the Adams Project and Ceasefire Dayton . The Adams Pr...
Or maybe that is tripling down? I mean you could argue that his defense in the comments of his own post constituted “doubling down,” so thi...