This isn’t a call for censorship, but for responsibility. You see about a year ago, an Islamofascist idiot killed two of our airmen, and tw...

Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
This isn’t a call for censorship, but for responsibility. You see about a year ago, an Islamofascist idiot killed two of our airmen, and tw...
It’s sad, and infuriating, but it was also the right thing to do, given her situation: Giffords to step down from Congress U.S. Rep. Gabriel...
I generally like Ann Althouse, but I think she went really wrong with this one. So yesterday there was a rumor that Jay-Z had decided to sto...
Bad news everyone. A group of people have learned of my true identity and they are getting ready to reveal it to the world. Of course to d...
Update: Thanks to Dana at First Street Journal , Patterico and Beldar for their kind links, not to mention lots of people on twitter. Of ...
Update: You can read the text of the pleading I have filed, here . I know you guys have been subpoenaed about this blog, so this message is ...
And for this week’s Friday Frivolity, we have the new Battlesstar Galactica, retold as a 16 Bit RPG: Enjoy. Via Joystiq . -----------------...
I haven’t seen the documents and I am unlikely to see it before Monday, but apparently filed two documents with the court today, according t...
Update: Thanks to DonkeyTale for the link, as well as numerous twitterers. Update (II): And thanks to Blazing Cat Fur for the linky goodne...