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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Info Post
Update: All thank you's for the links will be listed and will be updated without a separate announcement.  Thanks to Point of LawPatterico, the Other McCain (who focuses on Rauhauser's involvement in all of this), Overlawyered (amazingly, they side with the lawyer on this one), long time internet ally Blazing Catfur,  The American Catholic, The Lonely Conservative and Dan Collins for the linkage.  Also Robert Stacy McCain uncovers further connections to big democratic hitters, particularly through Matthew Vadum's research showed how the Tides Foundation, Barbara Streisand and John Kerry's wife support this convicted terrorist and perjurer.  And Donald Douglas at American Power has a nice write up and discusses his similar experiences, and Five Feet of Fury discuss the similarity between that and some thuggery in Canada.

Update (II): Several readers complained that the big post was too long, that it was straining their computers.  So I created another version breaking it down into eight pieces, here.  Feedback is important and appreciated, so thanks to those readers for point it out to me.

Regular readers of this site know that for some time the convicted domestic terrorist known as Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me.  He did this because I dared to offer a bit of light, free legal help to a man he was suing named Seth Allen and then as he came after me, I told the truth about his deplorable criminal background and the fact he lied under oath in a hearing on November 14, 2011 and recommended that he be charged with perjury.  (If you didn’t know, you can catch up on the story, by using this link.)  And for a while I have been silent about the saga, so that maybe you thought he had moved on and had chosen to leave me alone.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Starting on January 9, 2012, Brett Kimberlin actually attempted to frame me for a crime.  He falsely accused me of essentially beating him up inside the courthouse for the Montgomery County Circuit Court, in Rockville, Maryland.  He has claimed at different times that I decked him, that I struck him three times, that I wrestled with him, that I pushed him, that courtroom staff separated us, that the sheriff’s deputies separated us, and that even after the deputies arrived that I kept coming at him repeatedly and had to be restrained.

What didn’t occur to him was that there was a security camera that captured what really happened in the courthouse that day.  I have the footage and I have included it in a long post that tells the whole story of how I came to be there that day and what really happened.  You will read with your own eyes the transcripts and documents in which he claimed I beat him up, and then you will see the footage that proves that this was a fabrication.  I have even created a video comparing his description of what happened to the video footage, piece-by-piece.  In other words, you won’t have to believe my word on this.  You will only have to believe your eyes.

But the post will also tell you the harrowing story of the damage this man has done to my life.  He did more than just lie about what happened.  This convicted document-forger produced fake photographs of his supposed injuries and even fake medical records.  And using that falsified evidence and his lies, he convinced the Montgomery County State’s Attorney to maintain second degree assault charges against me for over two months—with a punishment of up to ten years in prison, if convicted—taking it so close to trial that I was forced to take the time and expense of preparing much of my defense.  He has cost me and my wife our jobs because our workplace was frightened that this violent bomber might show up at work.  After all, he had published my home address and work address in court filings, for no reason other than to harass me.  He has obtained a peace order (similar to a restraining order) against me in part for supposed “harassment” for having told the truth about him on this blog.  And you will learn that after the video emerged, the charges were dropped and the peace order was dismissed on appeal.

And you will learn that once I had the video, I came to the State’s Attorney’s office for Montgomery County, Maryland.  I showed them, as I am about to show you, how Kimberlin lied repeatedly under oath in his attempt to frame me.  I documented it meticulously, as I will for you.  And I demanded justice.  And they refused to provide it for me; they blew me off.

And you will learn how you can help me correct this injustice.

So please read the larger post.  It is long, but there is a lot to tell and I really could use your help.

And you will finally learn my real name.  So there is that!


Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates.  And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent History here.  And you can read a little more about my novel, here.


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