One of the things I find to be the most curious about the current confrontation on the subject of free speech is how often people argue that...

The Danger of Hate Speech Laws... to Islam
Info Post
Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
One of the things I find to be the most curious about the current confrontation on the subject of free speech is how often people argue that...
Well, I spent much of today going after Ms. Eltahawy, as I had, here , here and here and I got results! Aasif Mandvi had debated with me a...
Update: See the end of the post for a fresh deep thought from Ms. Eltahawy. Update (II): And Freedom of Expression is on the retreat on th...
Update: Thanks to Ace for the link . And we have more on this controversy, here . It has not been a good night for Freedom of Expression. ...
So via @Rightcoastgirl I learned of MSNBC and CNN contributor Mona Eltahawy being arrested for, well... let’s talk about that shall we? It ...