Every now and then when I see a particularly promising piece of news in this election, I tweet it out with a half-joking line: “Must not get...

Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
Every now and then when I see a particularly promising piece of news in this election, I tweet it out with a half-joking line: “Must not get...
WARNING: We are about to talk about President Barack Obama and the killing of Osama bin Laden. There is a high probability that I will acci...
This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga ® . If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my...
We’ll start with the serious stuff. As the Huffington Post “ reports ” there was a funeral recently in North Carolina: “The service was mea...
Update: He has a new, feeble excuse. See below. I have long said that Twitter is the single best engine of self-beclownment ever invented. ...
This came across my twitter feed yesterday: So scary and disturbing >>> Court Rules Disabled Woman Wasn't Raped Because She Did...