This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga ® . If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my...

John Hoge v. Bill Schmalfeldt
Info Post
Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga ® . If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my...
This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga ® . If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my...
So as I have told you, Bill Schmalfeldt has been pressing bogus copyright claims against me and Lee Stranahan. How bogus are they? Schmalf...
This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga ® . If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my...