Legal Insurrection took a light-hearted email and turned it into something dark and foreboding, and while there is nothing wrong with what he wrote, I want to restore the fun to this.
As you might know, Prof. Jacobson likes to highlight funny/interesting bumper stickers as a break from the otherwise serious topics he discusses on his blog and he always meticulously edits out the license plate. Well, I sent him one recently.

And as I am wont to do when waiting at a red light, I like to read license plates and bumper stickers, and I noticed what this one said on its plate:
And I noticed something else. That plate is a Virginia Civil War commemorative plate for General Robert E. Lee. Here’s a better view of the model plate:
Holy crap! It’s the Genereal Lee!
Wherever you are, sir, I salute you for a very cool nod back to a silly show I loved as child.
I mean he could have gone the obvious route and painted a Confederate flag on the roof; but instead what he did was subtle, and that makes it awesome.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent History here. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
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